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From a very young age I was fascinated with words. I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, writing living room dramas about talking animals in which my chagrined father benevolently participated. The power of language, particularly when spoken aloud, was profound even to my 3-year-old ears. I was an avid reader, a prolific writer, and a chatterbox too. Once I discovered the words of such greats as Sanford Meisner, Anne Frank, and William Shakespeare in my teen years, there was no going back.


I’ve also always been in love with music. Throughout high school and college, I trained as a classical and musical theater singer. I especially adore singing the highest soprano parts – you can count on me for that high C. For over a decade I have played the viola too; my viola has joined me onstage seven times now!


I hold two degrees from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas: a BFA in Theatre with a Minor in Musical Theatre and a BA in English Creative Writing. After graduating, I mostly appeared on stages around the DFW area. I also went on two national tours and performed with a summer stock Shakespeare company in Camden, Maine. At the beginning of 2023, I moved back to my hometown of Atlanta.

When I am not performing on the stage or the screen, I love to teach yoga. I received my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training certification in 2015, and in 2021 I completed my 500 hour certification. Teaching yoga from home kept me going through the 2020 pandemic, both financially and emotionally.


In my free time, I like to hike around north Georgia's beautiful parks, consume copious amounts of tea, and take pictures of my collection of 1950s dresses.

Jo-Jo Steine, actor

copyright 2019 Jo-Jo Steine

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